Why E911?

Why E911 is Needed

Traditional 9-1-1 services were predicated upon a phone number being associated with a static location, such as a residential home. However, as technology advanced, devices were able to move outside of their predefined locations. A solution was required to properly locate an individual who dialed 9-1-1 from an enterprise device no matter where that device may have traveled.

E911 was developed to find the location of the device from which an emergency caller has dialed 9-1-1. E911 solutions are becoming increasingly important as our workforce becomes highly mobile, and employees have been enabled to work from anywhere.
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Protecting Your Employees

Duty of Care is more important than ever. Organizations are being spotlighted for their proactive emergency response plans, and employees expect a certain level of protection from their employer. Having a dynamic E911 solution in place not only allows you to demonstrate your commitment to keeping your people safe, but provides your organization with the assurance that emergency situations will be handled effectively and efficiently so the rest of your people can successfully maintain operations.
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Complying with E911 Legislation

E911 solutions are such critical components to any emergency response plan that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) developed rules and regulations that were then enacted into federal E911 legislation. It is now mandatory for organizations across the US to comply with both Kari’s Law and the RAY BAUM’s Act, which specify direct dialing, notification, and dispatchable location requirements. However, compliance does not need to be difficult. We are here to provide you with exactly the information you need to know to begin your path to compliance.
Learn More About How to Comply >

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